Life Update & Birthday Weekend

Life Update & Birthday Weekend

Hello everyone! It has been a bit since my last post. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during these past few months. I thought I would come back on here and write a life update post. This post may be a little long so I hope you don’t mind.

A lot has happened this year and I know things happen for a reason. When the outbreak of Covid-19 was first known, I noticed the scent of change. I wasn’t sure what to think of it. To be honest, I was afraid. Although, I still wanted to stay positive. I stay inside most of the time. I only went out of the house to fulfilled orders at my workplace and to drop the packages at the post office. Overall, everyone around the world was scared in a way and did not know what to expect when the outbreak happened. One thing I knew for sure was that I did not want the pandemic to stop me from accomplishing what I wanted to do this year.

Quarantine At Home

During quarantine, I was able to finish my last semester of college and I’m still debating rather or not to continue to get another degree. I also was able to reflect on what I want to do careerwise. I finally took the time to work on my two businesses and launched them. If you’re wondering, I launched two clothing brands. I AM HMOOB Apparel and BE. Both are still in the growing process. Not only I launched two businesses but another business on Etsy with my sister called Lyla & Rose. I know, call me crazy! For a while now, I knew I wanted to launch my two businesses. I wanted to launch both of them last year but decided to launch them this year. 

Other than launching my businesses, I did some online thrift shopping at the beginning of quarantine. I didn’t realize how addicting online thrifting can be and how expensive it was! After, 20 purchases later I decided to stop buying. You’re probably wondering why I thrifted so much. My main reason was to start selling vintage/secondhand clothing pieces. If you didn’t know, I have a shop on an app called Vinted, where I sell my gently used, new clothes and accessories that I don’t wear anymore. I started selling on Vinted first and then slowly moved over to sell on Instagram. I’m currently in the process of rebranding it and will be updating my shop soon.

Finding Motivation

I’ve learned so much during quarantine and I’m glad that I did. I was able to gain my motivation back and be creative again. I find myself planning and excited about what the future holds. Lately, I’ve been getting back into photography again and learning how to use the different features on the camera. Honestly, I would not have imagined that I would spend my year like this but I did my best to make it the best as I could.


Celebrating My Birthday

Now that you are all caught up with my life update, here is what I did for my birthday.

This past weekend, I celebrated my birthday. I still can’t believe that August has already ended! Where has the time gone? It’s surreal to say that I’m 25! But I don’t feel 25 and it feels weird to say it. I did want to throw a birthday party with family and friends to celebrate being 25. I had the party all planned out but due to the pandemic, I decided that I’ll do the birthday party next year. 

So instead, I had an easygoing morning and decided to dress up. I got myself a gift by getting a new phone. I had my phone for 3 years and it was time for an upgrade! After, I went to a White Wolf Japanese Patisserie with my sister and brother to pick up my cake that my sister preorder. My birthday night ended with singing happy birthday and sushi for dinner with my family.

I hope you enjoy reading my life update and as always, thank you for reading!


Dress: Shein | Shoe: Shein | Bag: Gift


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